Leak Detection Systems

Tanks & Pipework

Pressure/Vacuum Leak Detectors

Here at Hunter Fuel Solutions we install a very varied selection of leak detectors which are suitable for your double walled storage tanks or double walled pipework. Most customers have to option to have there leak detection monitored and maintained closely but companies close indistance to them.

We work all of the united kingdom which in itself can provide its own set of issues, however we install leak detection that can be remotely monitored from a far giving us the ability to understand what you system is doing and what to do in the event of a fault.

This saves alot of time and money when it comes to first time fixes!


Information services

  • Daily control of operational availability of any leak detector with the SGB-LOD team
  • Immediate alarm indication to given addressees via text message or email
  • Repeated alarm indication until local rectification of alarm cause (adjustable period)
  • Notification of services after accumulation of daily notifications (adjustable repeated period)
  • On demand supply for data of access to the LOD(Leak online Diagnostic). This enables a view of a client´s information about a leak detector plus manual triggering of a check measurement.